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Our company has developed a customized preventive maintenance program that addresses the problems we see most often in air conditioning and heating systems. Our professional service technicians are trained to service and repair your systems efficiently. This can eliminate problems and save you money. This program provides preventive maintenance services and is designed to reduce the possibility of an air conditioning or heating system break down and increase the life time of your equipment.

It all adds up

When your A/C unit starts giving you trouble, the A/C Technician is usually your first call. But when you begin calling them day after day the bills add up and you are left with the same outdated inefficient unit. A new unit produces cooler air, with less energy. Less energy means a lower utility bill. Which means you could be paying for a new unit, rather than life support for your old one.



Your system can last up to twice as long. The annual service you receive can double the remaining life of your air conditioner and furnace.


Your savings on utility bills can easily pay for annual maintenance agreement.

Why HVAC Maintenance Is Important

Many people make an investment in a HVAC system, yet fail to maintain proper upkeep. An HVAC system is similar to that of a car – it needs the proper care and maintenance to function properly. A properly functioning HVAC system is one that will keep your home cozy or cool for many years to come, which is why HVAC maintenance is important.

Lower Utility Bills

Saving money is one of the main reasons a person should maintain their HVAC unit. An HVAC unit that is running efficiently, as well as a home that is properly insulated, means less money spent on electricity, heating and cooling costs. HVAC maintenance is also important to prevent the need for major repairs or entire replacements.

Healthy Air

A properly maintained HVAC unit will not only keep a home warm or cool, but it will prevent problems with air quality. Clean filters and coils mean better breathing for an entire family. A HVAC unit that is not maintained is a breeding ground for dirt, mold and bacteria, all of which can cause or worsen respiratory problems for those living in the home or building.

Life of the System

The better a person maintains their HVAC unit, the longer that unit will be able to function well and provide cooling and heating to a home or building. With proper HVAC maintenance, a unit can last well over 10 years. Considering the amount of money a person spends to install an HVAC unit, it makes sense they would want to keep that unit running well for as long as possible.


As with the life of the system, a well-maintained HVAC unit will run more efficiently. Research shows that dirty or units that are not maintained need to work 20 percent harder to produce the same amount of cooling or heating as a well-maintained machine. Less energy will be expended when it is running, which means less stress on the components of the machine.The less wear and tear on the machine means simple maintenance during the spring and fall months. Maintenance will be much quicker and smoother if a person takes the preventive steps to keep a system running in tip-top shape.

Less Emergency Repairs

Most HVAC units may need emergency repairs from time to time. Well-maintained units are less likely to fail during the months of hard use (June through September and December through March). Keeping a unit up-to-date on all inspections and maintenance checks means less worry that the unit will break down when it is needed the most.

Parts Under Warranty

In the event of a problem, the part or component in question might still be under a warranty.This is another important reason to maintain an HVAC unit on a regular basis. Keep a list of all warranty expiration dates and check the parts prior to that date to ensure there are no problems before it is too late. Parts under warranty can often be fixed at no cost, aside from the labor charges that may arise if homeowners are unable to fix or replace parts alone.

For many obvious reasons, HVAC maintenance is important. Scheduling regular checks and following through on fixing minor problems will help homeowners enjoy the comfort of a system with the worry of it failing. A well-maintained unit is likely to have less serious problems, meaning less hassle and unnecessary costs.


Copyright 2012 Cooper Heat and Air        

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